National Bank AND National Brokerage Search

All Requests Return:

  • All Available Open Accounts (US/Canada)
  • Closed Accounts within Last 30-90 Days (Varies by Institution)
    Name(s) on Account
  • Type of Account If Known (Checking, Savings, Safe Deposit Box, IRA, 401k, etc.)
  • Financial
  • Institution and Branch Bank Location and
  • Phone
  • Estimated Balance (If Available)
  • Additional information as provided by financial institutions.
    1. If Banking and Brokerage institutions have an “opt-out” agreement on file with the subject, we will only be able to provide the institution’s name and branch address address.
    2. All Searches are Nationwide – Account numbers are not obtained or provided as prohibited by Federal Law (GLBA).
    3. SSN (Social Security Number) or EIN (Federal Employment Identification Number) Required for All Searches – Either Can Be Obtained for an additional $75.00

Asset Searches Common FAQ’s

Q: Will the Subject Be Notified That The Search is Being Conducted?
A: No. Our asset searches are conducted discreetly without the subject being notified or “Tipped Off” in any way. We do not pretext banks pretending to be the customer.

Q: Are Asset Searches Legal to Conduct?
A: Yes, as long as they follow FCRA, GLBA and Local/State guidelines and the methods used are legal (like ours). We only conduct asset searches with a permissible purpose: Debt Collection & Judgment Recovery, Fraud Prevention or Detection, Pre-Litigation Fraud Prevention (possible hidden assets) and Insurance Investigations.

Q: What Happens When Account Information Can’t Be Verified? (Opt-Out)
A: Occasionally we aren’t able to accurately identify whether an account is open or not, what kind of account it is, or what the balance is. This is normally due to financial institutions preventing third parties from obtaining information, otherwise known as a “Opt-Out Agreement”. In these cases, the institutions must be subpoenaed. Or, in the case of a judgment, the decision must be made whether to attempt or not attempt a levy enforcement without additional information.

Q: Can Asset Searches be Used As Evidence?
A: Asset searches cannot be used for any evidentiary purposes (i.e. to corroborate testimony, exhibits etc.) It is not substantiated evidence. The information contained in reports can only be used as an intelligence aid in obtaining subpoenas, writs of execution, judgments and liens, (without directly referencing information contained in the reports), and to obtain substantiated evidentiary information by subpoena or court order. There are NO personal appearance subpoena’s for asset searches.

Q: Must the Client Disclose All Known Account Information First?
A: Yes. Our service is not intended to be a game of “Test the Investigators”. We are here to work with the client to identify and verify known assets, not just find assets that the client may not be aware of.

Q: Can JurisProbe Get A Credit Report For Someone Without Their Authorization?
A: No. We are only able to obtain credit reports by written authorization of the consumer.

Q: Can JurisProbe Get Bank Transaction History?
A: Not at this time. Current regulations prohibit institutions from providing transactions.